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I chose Marie Curie as a discoverer that I going to talk about in the presentation

                                    MARIE CURIE

Marie Curie was born in Varsovia, Polonia, the 7th of November in 1867, and she died the 4th of april oj 1934. She was a famous Polish physics and chemist, she was know for the discover of Polonium, Radium and for the advances in radioactivity.

Marie studied in Varsovia and when she was 24 years old, she went to Paris with her sister , where she did many of hermost important discoveries.

In 1903she won the Nobel Prize in physics and in 1911 she won the Nobel Prize in chemist, she was the first person who won 2 Nobel Prizes of diferent specialities.

Later Marie stablished the institute Curie in Paris, that now a days is an important investigation centre.

Marie Curie died when she was 66 years old, because she has a disease caused by radiation


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