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Last night a woman who lives in the 6th avenue called the police because someone had stolen her expensive clock. The clock was expensive because it had diamonds. The woman's name is Millie and she is tall with long brown hair.

The police came to her house. They asked Millie abut the clock and if she hsd seen anything strange when she was walking to her house. She sad that she saw a strange woman with a long red coat. After that, the police started to ask all the neigbours, but the didn't see anything, so they decided to see the camera's film. 

In the film they saw that the robber was the woan with the red coat, the police aslo dicovered where she lived. They wnt to the woma's house, she opened the door and Millie saw that the robber was her best friend Lea. Lea gave the clock to Millie, but Millie felt worried because her best friend loved more her clock than her.


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